Transformice Fly

Transformice - Lua Fly hack By Jordy19 on Dec 07, 2014 This is basically the first script I wrote for Transformice. The script allows you to fly. Transformice is a massively multiplayer flash game where you play as a little mouse out to grab some cheese and get it back to its mousehole!

Oct 22nd, 2013


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Transformice fly hack 2020
  1. ---Remember to change Netwise to your own username
  2. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(Netwise,32,true,true)
  3. for Netwise,player in pairs(
  4. end
  5. if key32 then
  6. tfm.exec.movePlayer(playerName,0,0,true,0,-50,false)
  7. end
Transformice Fly

Transformice Fly Hack Free Download