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Call of Duty (CoD) is one of the most popular of the current generation of the video games. The first ever title, Call of Duty was released back in 2003. Since then the franchise has rolled out some fantastic titles almost every year, each one becoming more popular and interesting than its predecessor. However, with the release of the most recent title, Call of Duty World War 2 (CoD WW 2), the developers have traveled back in time.

Though Call of Duty WW2 takes inspiration from the originators of the franchise, it still is a CoD title which means it is extremely fast-paced. Therefore, if you are new to the game, COD WW2 can be quite frustrating for you. This is where we come in. Our dedicated panel of video gamers has spent hours researching (playing all night that is) to bring you a list of Call of Duty WW2 tips and tricks.

If you wish to get better at the game and want to improve your skills, this Call of Duty WW2 tips and tricks blog is written especially for you.


Call of Duty: WW2 Tips

With Call of Duty WW2 not having jetpacks and double jumps, we can all agree that it is not as fast-paced as the previous CoD titles. However, when compared to other FPS titles of the current generation, COD WW2 is still one of the more fast-paced games available. Hence, the way to play WW2 is quite different, and this is what most of the new players don’t understand. That being said, if you are coming across lag in the game and it is because of that you are unable to play correctly, then check out our Call of Duty WW2 lag guide.

To play Call of Duty WW2, one must master a few gameplay mechanics which include both movement and aiming. However, since moving around is half the game, let us first look into the movement aspect of our Call of Duty WW2 tips blog.

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When playing Call of Duty WW2, one must remember to be always on the move. Because, unlike other real-time FPS games like Battlefield, CoD features instant-respawn which means the enemy you have killed, respawns instantly after his death. Therefore, when you kill someone, he knows the exact location of his death which means he knows your location. If you stick to the same place and don’t move, the chances of you getting killed by the same player are quite high.

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Plus, even if that player keeps sprinting to the same location to take you out, he will chuck a grenade in that direction in hopes of taking revenge. Hence, to reduce your chances of getting killed right after you take a kill, we advise you to constantly be on the move. Kill and move. I repeat: kill and move.

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Furthermore, keep in mind that a moving target is always, and we always mean, a harder target to kill. In order to increase your chances of winning fights, we strongly recommend you to master your crouch and prone game. By this we mean, when you end up encountering an enemy, always try to outmaneuver the enemy. You can do this by making a random turn, or go prone or crouch to increase your chances of surviving/winning the battle.


Keeping up with the knowledge you get from the above-mentioned CoD WW2 tips, let us now move on to the survivability tips. Like other FPS games, COD WW2 rewards players on killing streaks which come quite handy in the game. Hence, surviving is quite important. But for a game that is so fast-paced, how can one not die? Well, there are ways to do so which don’t guarantee you will survive but can surely increase your chances of doing so.

The first survival tip is to avoid battles which are difficult. For instance, you come across an opponent who is quite far away, and you know a sniper. Taking him out with an SMG from a distant position will not be possible for you. Therefore, it is better you try to flank the player rather than take him out head on. Always take into account the possibility of you winning the fight. This can be quite a difficult feat to achieve at first. Actually, the game forces you to play quickly, but with time you will learn how to pick your battles wisely.

Moreover, when in low health, avoid fights altogether. The fact is that the regeneration rate in the game is quite slow. Hence, if you end up a killing an enemy, but are left with your entire screen covered with blood, we would advise you to camp for a bit. Camping does come in handy when you are on a killing streak and want to survive. There is no shame in surviving.

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Do remember to always move with the team. We know everyone loves to be the alpha person and get kills left to right and center, but that can be done with the team as well. What’s more is that your chances of getting more kills will increase if you play the game with your team. You can bait your teammates to attain more kills.


This is the most important section of our Call of Duty WW2 tips blog. Shooting and aiming are the core elements in any FPS game. Most FPS games feature a training camp for just shooting because without practicing how to take your aims, there is no point in playing. If you wish to get better at COD, we would advise you to look at the points mentioned below closely.

First of all, there is one core shooting mechanism called the crosshair. When one wishes to master shooting, it is very important to adjust the crosshair as shooting on the head once is much better than scattering your shots all over the body. Though you might get a few kills like that, in the long run, headshots are far better. Not only does it kill the person quickly but also it leaves you with more bullets in your gun which means you won’t have to reload so often.

Secondly, shot on the move. For a game like Call of Duty WW2, it is important to move around (we have mentioned about this before). However, shooting on the move is quite difficult as the aim will move around with you, but if you master this, trust us, no one will be able to kill you one on one. So, practice this, and soon you will become the top fragger for your team.

Next Call of Duty WW2 strategy tip is to adapt to the situation. By this we mean, look at the map, the weapons the enemies are carrying, and the type of map it is. When playing Domination, it is essential that you carry an SMG with a silencer or a rapid-fire rifle, then a sniper, as you will have to move around quite often. Plus, with enemies following suit, the chances of you facing with them are quite high. And you know what, having a sniper, in that case, will be quite a disadvantage. To master your aiming ability in COD, we strongly recommend you to adapt to the situation.

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Final Words

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This brings us to the end of this blog. However, the game is being constantly receiving updates; we will be bringing you more Call of Duty WW2 tips and tricks soon. Till then, comment below and let us know what do you think of our Call of Duty WW2 strategy tips blog. Has it helped you mastering the game?