Prototype 2 James Heller Voice Actor

  1. Prototype 2 James Heller Voice Actors

Why I hate Prototype 2

  • Alex goes batshit crazy for no reason, and we get a very spotty explanation why in the comics.

  • James Heller was not a good protagonist. He would have made a great supporting character, but not a protagonist.
  1. James Heller is the biggest fucking asshole I have ever played as. And I played as Caim from Drakengard! A dude who gets a boner for murder is more likable than James Heller. The general way he treats EVERYONE is honestly shocking and if this person was like this before he got powers. I am in awe that no one ever tried to murder him in his sleep.
  2. But with that game's sequel a distant memory for many PS3 owners, Prototype 2 sees the series return with a better chance to stand out, while bringing with it a new protagonist and the same kind of crazy action the original had. As James Heller, you're an ex-military guy out for revenge on whoever killed your wife and daughter.
  3. Both Alex Mercer from and James Heller from PROTOTYPE 2 can use the voice of anyone they shapeshift into after eating them. Mercer uses this to call artillery strikes at desired targets. Mercer uses this to call artillery strikes at desired targets.

James Heller is the main protagonist of the 2012 videogame Prototype 2. He was infected with Blacklight Virus by Alex Mercer. However, Heller retains his humanity and memories after infection due to having a resilient/unique DNA unlike Mercer, who lost his memory after infection because his resurrected self was the virus itself. Due to this, he is considered more heroic than Alex though having.

Prototype 2 James Heller Voice Actor
  • The nuke was dropped of the south cost of Manhattan, not the north. SO WHY IS THE NORTH HALF OF MANHATTAN DESTROYED?!


  • In the beginning of the game, a reported mentions a woman being attacked in central park, EVEN THOUGH IN THE GAME CENTRAL PARK IS IN THE “DEAD ZONE”

  • Heller is OP for no reason. “Special genes?” More like PLOT INCONVENIENCE.

  • Amaya was confirmed dead. Why the hell did she suddenly come back to life? Did Alex turn her, use the blacklight virus on her? That doesn’t make any sense, because that would mean that Amaya wouldn’t remember her father, AND SHE OBVIOUSLY DOES.

Prototype 2 james heller voice actors
  • Continuing the above, Why Amaya specifically? She’s like, what, 10 to 12 years old? Seriously, she’s FAR to young to be the “Mother of the New World.” And in order to become a “Prototype” you have to have a special set of genes, which 1 in a million people have. The chances of Amaya getting that specific set of genes is very very very very low or nil.

  • Whitelight would have DESTROYED the strand of Mercer’s DNA when they put it in there. It was made SPECIFICALLY to kill Alex Mercer, so it would have destroyed the DNA strand.

  • Alex’s sudden color-scheme change from Red to Orange. Aside from the obvious meaning (Orange can mean Ambition), it makes no sense.


  • Alex’s had a different voice actor in Prototype 2, which really is just bad designing because he went from “Guy with a really horse voice who also sounds slightly confused and angry sometimes” to “Evil dude with horse voice who’s angry 24/7″

  • I don’t care if Heller had a psychopathic obsession with Mercer or not. Being a Marine, he would’t have disobeyed direct orders either way.

  • The fact that Alex would try to kill his sister is a sin in itself. I mean, look at his reaction when the Leader Hunter kidnapped her. He chased after it, destroyed anything trying to get in his way, and he devoted all his time to finding her as soon as possible. Its obvious he cares/cared for her, but suddenly he just threw all that out the window, for no reason.

  • Heller’s devastators are pretty terrible. The Brawler one I rarely use, and the one that’s similar to Alex’s “Groundspike” Devastator from the first game has horrible range.

  • They replaced “Musclemass” with “Tendrils”, which both makes sense and is really stupid.

  • Alex doesn’t use all of the powers he had in the first game. I wanted to see him use at least ONE of his devastators.

  • The part where he powers up after consuming all his Evolved makes no sense because aren’t the Evolved technically all just edited versions of him?
Prototype 2 James Heller Voice Actor

  • NOBODY in Blackwatch mentions Captain Cross or General Randall, which is dumb because A) Captain Cross lead an ELITE TEAM of SPECIALLY PICKED BLACKWATCH SOLDIERS AND HAD FOUGHT MERCER AND LIVED TO TELL THE TALE (At least before the Supreme Hunter got to him) and B) General Randall was the leader of Blackwatch before the current one (whoever they are) in Prototype 2.

(Please don’t yell at me I just wanted to point all that crap out.)

Prototype 2 James Heller Voice Actors

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    Alas, I’ve found my people. We’re gonna burn P2 to the ground. And then burn it some more.
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  31. silentraptor4000 reblogged this from messyspacespades and added:
    Im so glad im not the only one that thought that the game didnt make any sense compared to the first one.
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