Wartune Spire

The Spire is a multiplayer and survival dungeon, accessed by the Hall of Heroes.

Wartune is a free 2.5D online MMORPG that mixes strategy with classic turn-based action. Choose one of three classes and enjoy an adventure of city-building and turn-based battles with PvP, Boss challenges and diverse upgrade systems. Units can be upgraded using Daru. The cost to upgrade a unit one level is equal to (target level)^3.(unit's upgrade cost multiplier). Note: The last digit in the upgrade cost is always rounded down to zero. Upgrading a unit upgrades all units of that type, including any you recruit in the future. Increasing their HP, attack power, physical defense, and magic defense (all of these stats can.

When you enter you have the option to buy special buffs using balens, or to talk to the NPC and start the battle. Once the battle has started bosses keep spawning untill all of the player are defeated, there are no breaks in between.
Afterwards you get rewards based on your performance. Each boss killed will give 300,000 Experience and 1 Spire Chest. Sometimes a thief (golden goblin) appears with the boss. After his demise he gives you an additional buff at random.

just to see what happens in China (click on link)
Very weak starter boss, does single target damage on tank. Also does an AoE attack on the front row every now and then. Mostly used as a rage builder.

Again very weak. Spawns adds halfway through, but these do no noteworthy damage.

Spawns with 4 adds. These adds do a lot of damage, so it would be wise to AoE these asap. Once the boss reaches about half a bar, he will cast a damage debuff on all players. More on this debuff will be in the next section.

Nothing noteworthy, casts the damage debuff upon reaching his final health bar.

Boss 5: Lorne, The Decapitator (Manticor)
Nothing noteworthy, casts the damage debuff upon reaching his final health bar.

Same as second boss in TL (Tarraton's Lair). Does extremely strong attack on the tank. He starts with a regular attack on the tank. On his second turn he does a huge attack on the tank. Then he does another normal attack, a very strong 2 player attack, 2 normal attacks, before doing the strong anti tank attack again. Huge Attack basically deals 20K+ for BR 50K knight

Just a regular boss. Does a few random attacks and AoE’s. From here on you’ll start sweating.

Boss 8: Alikar, Frostpawn (Warlock)
Does an extremely strong AoE on his second turn, and every 4th turn after this. From here on you’ll need to start using shields/heals to survive if you are around 45K BR.
Boss 9: Andela, Lavaspawn (Archer)
Does weaker attacks than boss 8, but does AoE more often. Also applies a 50% damage reflect. Can be removed, but will most commonly be recast after 2 or 3 turns.
Boss 10: Staphos, Doombringer (2 Headed-Warrior)

Wartime Spirit

Same Boss as in area 2 boss of Badlands, and with 2 mobs that have damage reduction adn reflection skill.
Note: This boss will cast 10000 bleed attack. If you want to survive, purification is a must.

Wartune Spire Chest

Boss 11: Bera, The Overseer (Monster's Eye)

Same Boss as in lvl7 Necropolis...attention on bleed 12000!
Boss 13: Maretti, Death's Servant (Sorcerer)

Wartune Spire

Lots of Magic Attacks elctric bolts and damination attack

Wartune Spirit Covenant

Boss 14: Saende, Dragon Zombie (Dragon)
Same Boss as final boss of Terraton's Lair, Fire AOE 70K !Ultimate slasher 30-40k dmg
Boss 15: Alisa, Succubus Queen (Ancient Demonic Mage)
Female Boss with white hair and dragon wings. Single Magic Attack of 35-55 K.and Dark pulse attack can can easily be taken down by using rebound dmg against her but has an AOE 40-50k wich requires blessed light for healing that